Marketing Agency Pennsylvania

Meet The Team

Marketing Agency Pennsylvania

Meet The Team

Marketing Agency Pennsylvania

Discover the Brains Powering Connecticut's Premier Sales & Marketing Agency

Brian Martin
Nikki Hall
Head of HR
Natalie Patafio
Head Administrator, CT
Ha-Jong Jhun
Branch Manager
Malik Murphy
Branch Manager

Eli Olivencia
Branch Manager

John Dehler
Branch Manager

Adam Lamchaouri
Account manager
Calvin Steede
Account manager
Daniel Scherer
Account manager, CT
Anna Smith
Account manager, CT
Ethan Behrens
Account manager, CT
Anthony Pena
Account manager, CT
Barry Ogden
Account manager, CT
Dakota Snedeke
Account Manager, CT
Jack Dewing
Account manager, CT
Jocelyn Rhabb
Account manager, CT
William Kim
Account manager, CT
James Tozlosky
Account manager, CT
Dyneal McCalpin
Account manager, CT

Akshat Shah
Account manager, CT

Joel Sutil
Account manager, CT

Brian Tram
Account manager, CT

Somaya Rodriguez
Account manager, CT

Limitless Management Group provides a range of exciting Sales & Marketing Job Opportunities across  Connecticut, and the surrounding areas.

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Sales & Marketing Agency in Connecticut

We are a team of highly motivated, solution-oriented people who take great pride in their creativity and analytical thinking skills to craft highly effective marketing solutions. We work with only bright minds with tech-savvy acumen to drive our campaigns. If you have what it takes to be a good fit at our marketing firm, then send in your resumé to [email protected].

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Brian Martin
Favorite Quote: “Don’t gain the World and lose your soul; Wisdom is better than silver and gold.”- Bob Marley
Interesting Fact: I have a 15 year old miniature Dachshund named Pumpkin
Favorite Food: My Mother’s Homemade Brisket
Brian Martin
Nikki Hall
Head of HR
Favorite food: Pizza.
Favorite quote: “Always take one day at a time, but remain focused on where you are headed.”
Interesting fact: My nana is Japanese
Nikki Hall
Natalie Patafio
Head Administrator, CT
Natalie Patafio
Head Administrator, CT
Favorite Food: Pasta
Favorite Quote: “Always learning, always growing”
Fun Fact: I’ve been to 6 countries!
Natalie Patafio
Ha-Jong Jhun
Branch Manager
Quote: “Passion without direction is a waste of energy”
Interesting Fact: I was a Varsity Wrestler in High School
Favorite Food: My Mom’s Curry
Ha-Jong Jhun
Malik Murphy
Branch Manager
Favorite Quote: “Got to grind to shine.”
Interesting Fact: I traveled to Australia for a basketball tournament.
Favorite Food: Crab legs.
Malik Murphy
Adrian Hubler
Assistant Manager, CT
Favorite food: Beef pho
Favorite quote: “Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing still.”
Interesting Fact: I can play 6 different instruments
Eli Olivencia

John Dehler
Branch Manager 

Favorite Food: peas in beef gravy

Favorite Quote: “Every action you take is a vote for the future version of you—without enough votes, the future version of you won’t win,” by James Clear

Fun Fact: I used to teach English as a second language and can speak multiple as well!

John Dehler
Adam Lamchaouri
Account Manager
Interesting Fact: The shame is only in staying weak
Fun Fact: I traveled all around Europe and North Africa
Favorite Food: Shawarma
Adam Lamchaouri
Calvin Steede
Account Manager
Favorite Quote: “While I don’t know what I don’t understand, so there probably isn’t anything I don’t understand.”
Interesting Fact: I can build computers.
Favorite Food: Chicken and gravy with rice.
Calvin Steede
Daniel Scherer
Account manager, CT
Interesting Quote: “Pains not bad, it’s good.”
Fun Fact: I find comfort in the cold.
Favorite Food: Cheese.
Daniel Scherer
Anna Smith
Account Manager, CT
Favorite food: BLT.
Favorite quote: “I put my heart and soul into my work and have lost my mind during process.”
Interesting fact: I have never broken a bone.
Anna Smith
Ethan Behrens
Account Manager, CT
Favorite Quote: Veni, Vidi, Vici
Interesting Fact: I have 13 tattoos and I am a car enthusiast.
Favorite Food: Steak
Ethan Behrens
Anthony Pena
Account Manager, CT
Favorite Quote: “You have to be able to accept failure to get better.”
Fun Fact: Lived in Alaska.
Favorite Food: Tostones.
Anthony Pena
Barry Ogden
Account manager, CT
Favorite Quote: “You are brave, you are creative, you are strong!”
Favorite Food: Pancakes
Fun Fact: I’ve never been out of the country
Barry Ogden
Dakota Snedeker
Account Manager, CT
Favorite Quote: “Dream Big!” -Anthony Pena
Favorite Food: Sushi
Fun Fact: I play guitar
Dakota Snedeke
Jack Dewing
Account manager, CT
Favorite Quote: “Do better!”
Favorite Food: Chili
Fun Fact: I love to ski!
Jack Dewing
Jocelyn Rhabb
Account manager, CT
Favorite Quote: ” No one knows what it means, but it’s provocative.— What? It gets the people going”
Favorite Food: Avocado Toast
Fun Fact: I like to dance :)
Jocelyn Rhabb
William Kim
Account manager, CT
Favorite Quote: “Empathy gets people by, solutions keep people alive”
Favorite Food: Mexican Food
Fun Fact: I’m as cool as a cucumber
William Kim
James Tozlosky
Account Manager, CT
Favorite Food: Philly Cheese Steak
Favorite Quote: “The question isn’t ‘who is going to let me’, it’s ‘who is going to stop me?’ !
Fun Fact: I can juggle 4 things at once
James Tozlosky
Dyneal McCalpin
Account Manager, CT
Favorite Food: Oxtail
Favorite Quote: “If you don’t fall, how are you going to know what it’s like getting up.” -Steph Curry
Fun Fact:I have double jointed fingers
Dyneal McCalpin

Akshat Shah
Account Manager, CT

Favorite Food: Momo and Nepali Authentic food

Favorite Quote: “When you give joy to other people, you get more joy in return. You should give a good thought to the happiness that you can give out.” – Eleanor Roosevelt.

Fun Fact: Loves to cook any type of food and going on adventures!

Akshat Shah

Joel Sutil
Account Manager, CT

Favorite Food: Avocado Chicken Cutlet Sandwich
Favorite Quote: “Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will” -Gandhi

Fun Fact: Wrote & Illustrated a children’s book

Joel Sutil

Brian Tran
Account Manager, CT

Favorite Food: Hotpot
Favorite Quote: “They say Sky’s the limit, but people are walking on the moon.”

Fun Fact: I have 5 sisters!

Brian Tran

Somaya Rodriguez
Account Manager, CT

Favorite Food: Tacos
Favorite Quote: “Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. You concentrate on what you don’t have, you’ll never have enough.” – Oprah Winfrey

Fun Fact: I love to dance and try foods from different cultures

Somaya Rodriguez
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